Song BPM & Key Finder

Find the BPM (tempo), musical key, and other data of any song

Today's Top Hits with BPM & Key

Too Sweet by Hozier
144 BPM
B Minor
Like That by Future, Metro Boomin, Kendrick Lamar
Future, Metro Boomin, Kendrick Lamar
162 BPM
B Minor
Beautiful Things by Benson Boone
Benson Boone
82 BPM
E Major
Lose Control by Teddy Swims
Teddy Swims
160 BPM
A Major
TEXAS HOLD 'EM by Beyoncé
127 BPM
D♭ Major
Lovin On Me by Jack Harlow
Jack Harlow
105 BPM
D Major
Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter
Sabrina Carpenter
104 BPM
C Major
we can't be friends (wait for your love) by Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande
116 BPM
F Major
Stick Season by Noah Kahan
Noah Kahan
127 BPM
D♭ Major
Saturn by SZA
89 BPM
D♭ Major

Find Songs Based on BPM

With our interactive slider, searching for a specific tempo has never been easier. Drag the slider to a specific BPM and hit enter to view songs with that specific tempo. Having millions of songs already analyzed, we guarantee that this is the fastest way to search for a song's BPM.
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Find Songs Based on Music Key

View songs with a specific music key by clicking any music key from the music wheel below. Using our music detection tool or our search bar above will display the music key of a song.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Key and BPM Finder?

A Key and BPM Finder is a software or online tool designed to analyze music tracks and provide two crucial pieces of information: the key in which the song is composed and its tempo measured in beats per minute (BPM). These elements are foundational for music theory, composition, and performance, affecting the mood, energy, and compatibility of tracks when mixed together.

Why Key and BPM Matter in Music?

Understanding the key and BPM (Beats Per Minute) of music tracks is not just a technical necessity but a creative cornerstone for anyone involved in music. Here’s why these elements are crucial:

  • Harmonic Mixing:

    Knowing the key of songs allows DJs and producers to mix tracks harmonically, ensuring that transitions between songs are smooth and musically coherent. This technique enhances the listening experience by maintaining a consistent musical key throughout a set.

  • Energy Level Matching:

    The tempo of a song, measured in BPM, indicates its energy level. By matching the tempos of tracks, DJs can create a consistent vibe and flow in their sets, ensuring the energy levels rise and fall in a controlled manner.

  • Creative Sampling:

    For music producers, knowing the key and BPM of samples is vital for ensuring they fit seamlessly into new compositions. This knowledge helps in maintaining musical integrity and coherence in the final production.

Who uses BPM and Key Detection Software?

BPM and Key detection software can be used by DJs to help match the tempo and music key of different songs and create seamless song transitions, music producers as a tool to create song mashups or remixes, sound designers to ensure that their choice of music or sound effects are in sync with their content, fitness instructors to create workout playlists based on their tempo and energy, and music listeners who are just curious of the BPM or key of a song.

What is the Best BPM and Key Finder?

Even though there are many music analysis tools available online, none of them are alike. Many BPM and key finders may utilize different detection algorithms. Due to this, BPM detection software may sometimes be inaccurate, especially when a song has either irregular rhythms or inconsistent time signatures. Feel free to give our BPM and key detection software a try by using the search bar above.